1. Menstrual pain (Dysmenorrhea): The seed of arishtaka (soap nut) has a small white or greenish yellow marrow. 5 seeds marrow paste is administered along with 2 teaspoonful of sesame oil in case of abdominal pain and menstrual pain. 2. Food poisoning : 5 seeds are crushed and soaked in 1 litre of water. This water is given to drink in the individuals who are poisoned (internally). This induces vomiting and hence the poisonous effects are reduced. 3. Distention of abdomen : The paste of soapnut seed marrow 500-600 mg of is mixed with jaggery and administered internally twice a day. 4. Wound : 20gms of fresh bark of arishtaka is boiled with 200ml of water till it reduced to 1/4th. This decoction is used to wash the wounds. The same decoction is used for washing gangrene and get rid of slough, which quickens healing process. 5. Eczema : 50 grams of soapnut fresh leaf paste cooked well with 100 ml of sesame oil till the evaporatio...
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