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Bimbi (దొండ తీగ) : Coccinia indica, Cucurbitaceae

Medical uses:

1. Fever: The leaf paste of bimbi is applied externally over the body in order to induce perspiration in fever.

2. Scabies: Fistful of leaves are soaked in 100 ml of coconut oil and placed in the sun for three days.
 This oil is applied over fungal infections in order to get the relief in itching and scabies. 

3. Mouth Ulcers: Raw tender fruits chewing regularly is beneficial to heal mouth ulcers.

4. Prameha(Diabetes): 15 ml of bimbi root juice twice a day before food is useful to control sugar lavels in diabetes. It can also 
be administered as a adjuvant for medicines of diabetes.

5. Worm Infestation: Intake of 10 ml of Bimbi Juice early morning on empty stomach for one week relieves intestinal worms.

6. Bed Wetting: Internal administration of 3-5 gms of bimbi root paste daily is useful to control bed wetting in young children.


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