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Kartheeka Masa- Ayurveda

India is country for origin of Vedas.
There is a science behind mythology in Indian culture 

In this blog I would like to describe the importance of Kartheeka masa and association with ayurveda.

This is season where people perform Kartheeka masam snana in rivers. This season is dedicated to Lord Shiva with abhisheka.

The reason behind is, water in ( previous season) rainy season is dirty and contains contamination due to direct falling on earth and mixing with mud. Hence not advisable to drink such water. Many water born infections are seen in that season.

In Kartheeka masa the water which gets heated by the hot rays of the sun during day cooled by the cool rays of the moon during night, for many days continuously, which has been de-poisoned (detoxicated) by moon rays of sarad ritu rise of the star Agatya, which is pure, uncontaminated and capable of mitigating the malas (dosas) is known as Hamsodaka
It is neither abhisyandi (producing more secretion or moisture inside the minute channels so as to block them) nor dry, such water is like Amrita(nector) for drinking and other purpose. This water is pathya (congenial) to every one. (Ref A H Su3/51-52)

Water flowing in river in continuous manner makes free from dirt and dust. That flow from medicated plants and trees makes water also medically potential.
Hence people perform Kartheeka snanam in name of ritual.


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