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TURMERIC (Curcumin)- Chronic diseases
Haridra is one of the commonest drugs mentioned in ayurveda. Knowing its beneficiaries, included in dina charya and ritu charya. It occupies almost 6% of total Indian spices. It has major role in Indian and Chinese cuisines. In ayurveda, it is mentioned under lekhaniya, sirovirechaniya gana (caraka) and haridradi, mustadhi gana (susrutha and vagbhata). Lekana is scrapping of dhatu and malas after initial absorption of moisture from them. Kapha and meda are removed by lekhana, which is a process of wasting of abnormally accumulated dhatus. Owing to its lekhaniya guna (scrapping) helps in curing chronic diseases. Most of the chronic diseases are associated with accumulation of ama (toxic) settled in deeper tissues, haridra does ama pachana. It clears channels and increases metabolism thus making dosa samyatwa.

Haridra has lekhana action based on its usna, theekshna ,kapha hara and medo hara properties.

SWASA: In case of bronchitis,bronchial asthma, Owing to lekhana action of haridra scrapes out excess accumulated phlegm in pranavaha srotas. Haridra is given in form of orally churnas,dhupana(fumigation),nasya(nasal drops).

ARSAS: Its application on hemorrhoids/ warts causes shrinkage of them and cures them. It is also one of the drugs in kshara sutra. It can also be used in form lepam.

VRANA: Applied in form of avachurana(dusting of powder),lepana(application of paste). Scrapes out unhealthy tissue and promotes healthy granulation tissue.

NADI VARNA: Application of haridra in form of ksharasutra, varti (suppository) removes pus and promotes granulation.

AKSHI ROGA: In kaphaja and vartma  akshi rogas, akshigata arsas usage of haridra in form of lekhaniya ascyotana (instillation for about 7-8 eye drops),anjana (collyrium) yields good results as it scrapes out dead tissue and over grown, muscle tissue.

MUKHAROGA: In opthous ulcers, lichen planus etc useful in form of kavala/ gandusa(filling of mouth with liquids),lepana (ointment),nasya(nasal drops). 

KARNA ROGA: In conditions of itching,pus, pain, tinnitus, ear ache and worms, haridra in form of karna purana (ear drops) with 3-5 drops relieves such trouble.   

STHOULYA: Administration of haridra in form of Lekhaniya vasthi (enema),udwartana(application of rough powders) on body causes liquification of kapha and meda.

GARBASAYA GATA ROGA: in case of fibromyoma,fibroids administration in form of orally, vasthi. It causes reduction in growth of tumour cells creates pro apoptotic factors. In condition of pcos, causes reduction in size of ovarian volume and decreases androgen levels. Along with vasthi(enema) and udwartana(application of rough powders)  can yield good results

MADHUMEHA: Haridra prameha haranam sreshtam (susrutha). It is said to decrease in abnormal rise in levels of glucose levels and prevents its upadrava. 

ATI LOMA: Excessive growth of unwanted hair on body can be relieved by rubbing of haridra with lavanam in opposite direction. It causes epilation of unwanted hair. On continuous usage for some days causes later slow growth. 

VYANGA, YAVANA PITIKA: Black pigment on face,acne , balck heads can overcome by application of haridra lepanam. Its lekhana property helps in exfoliating skin .it has to be applied in form of varnya lepam(face mask). Due to this reason on rituals a females apply on face.

Milk with haridra is a common home remedy to combat cold, cough and other allergies. Turmeric pickle, haldi nu shaak (Gujarathi), kacchi haldi ki sabji (Rajasthan) are common Indian cuisines.

Haridra is a spice which is regularly taken as pathya (wholesome). In classics mentioned as “pathyesathi gadha tasya kim oushada nishevanam”. When pathya is used regularly there is no need of medicines. Due to life style modifications and changes in dietary habits, making the person to prone for kaphaja and medhoja viakras. Haridra dries up body Kleda dhatus kapha & medas and dries up and scrapes mala, that deha makes body lean. For all such disorders instead of medicines, creating awareness at micro level will fulfill aims. In cases of hypertension and diabetes (medhoja viakra) which is a leading non communicable disease in India, government launched adult screening program. As it has poor response, instead of screening better to create awareness of such diseases by changing lifestyle modifications. It can be easily set up at PHCs by government in form of capsules to all hypertensive and diabetes patients, so that India’s rank in diabetes and obesity may come down. The free radical scavenging activity as well as inhibition of lipid peroxidation by curcumin (ingredient in haridra) has been reported by Kuttan et al. Hence simple use of haridra in regular recipes can make sure to put check on such medho rogas. It is even cost effective, easily available,wholesome. Use of haridra in medhoja arbuda has been described in susrutha samhitas. So can be even used in cancer, to delay metastasis and it enhances immune system.  


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