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Acharya charaka has quoted ‘Janapadodwansa’ which means   ‘janapada’- refers to group of people living in specific location, ‘udwansa’- destruction. In modern science it is called epidemics. The reason for such destruction is dushita vayu(air borne-TB,small pox, etc) dushita jala (water borne- Covid 19, Typhoid,Cholera,Hepatitis etc), dushita kala (Swineflu etc), dushita desha(Ebola in west Africa, Gorakhpur Japanese elephantiasis in India etc & pandemics like zika, AIDS). Acharya susrutha incorporated such diseases under oupasargika rogas. The reasons for such calamities are inevitable disastrous factors. Aniyata hetus (harmful effects of sun,moon, stars,planets such as floods,cyclones,land slides,earth quakes,tsunamis etc),prajnaparadha ( intake of asatmya ahara, terrorism,wars, accidents etc) sastra prabhava ( missiles etc); abhisyandha (effect of pathogen) and abhisapa(curses) result in to spread of epidemics. Whenever changes occur in environment shows impact on human beings based on ‘brahmanda pinda vada’. In India epidemic profile is explained in terms of burden of diseases pertains to 41% are communicable diseases of DALY (Disability adjusted life years).

Present suffering pandemic Covid -19,
other epidemics like H1N1, Ebola, Zika viruses have been a burden & big challenge over health care system. 
The treatment mentioned for janapadodwansa is panchakarma, rasayana, oushada chikitsa (charaka). Among them best option is rasayana which serves the purpose of ayurveda “swasthasya swastha rakshanam aturasya vikara prashamanam”. There is well known proverb ‘prevention is better than cure’.  Preventive aspect already dealt in natural immunty article of this blog. 
Rasayana suits healthy individual in providing immunity against disease and also curing disease. So among those emergence of new virus doesnot have anitibody in human makes disaster to happen. Even in modern science, vaccination is given to prevent specific infection. Present if pan world vaccinations are under trials.  Even invented, it is not possible to provide vaccination for each and every individual and for emergence of new infection. 

Rasayana may serve as an umbrella against such infections by promoting physical and mental health. 
Rasayana promotes strength & immunity to people. It is of 2 types. 1. Vatatapika(OP base) 2. Kutipraveshika(IP base).
But one who got infected,suspected to be infected can follow kutipraveshika kind of rasayana.
Rasayana is proved to contain immune-modulator of different chemical structure and exert their effect on initiating several steps of immune system like activation of macrophages for generation, stimulation of cytotoxic activities, phagocytosis, resulting in body getting free from toxic bio chemicals. As it is era of emerging new diseases, better to focus on one’s own immune system rather than developing new molecules to counter act.


Adravya bhuta chikitsa include achara rasayana, sadvritta, following dina charya, ritu charya,ritu sandhi charya, yoga promotes code of conduct, spiritual health and general well being. Dravya bhuta chikitsa include Ksheeram, Ghritam, Aswagandha,Amalaki, Tulasi, Guduchi,Pippali, Bala, Haritaki, Amalaki, Punarnava,Yashtimadhu, Shanka pushpi, Shilajatu, Swarna, Rajata etc. 
Compound drugs like triphala,chyavana prasha avalehyam, Agastya haritaki avalehyam,Swarna prashana etc.

WHO organized 17 sustainable development goals(SDG),among them 3rd goal- ensure healthy lives and promotes well being for all at all ages include 3rd point as(3.3) end of epidemics, AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria, neglected tropical diseases & combat hepatitis, water borne and other communicable diseases by 2030. Such target can be fulfilled by ayurveda with rasayana dravyas. They have wide scope in normal population for enhancing their immune status, as adjunct therapy in immuno compromised disease state. Ayurveda emphasis on role of dosas and their imbalance as a main causative factor for disease, but mere presence of organism in environment necessarily result in manifestation of disease. Such dosha samanya is maintained well by rasayana therapy. This therapy is not only effective on health but also cost effective.


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