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Natural Immunity

Immunity is strength that gives resistance and resilient to combat infections.  It s necessary for enhancement of life span,qualities of life,physical and mental strength.
It doesn't lye being fit physically but also mentally and spiritually. It may vary from person to person depending on age, gender, nutrition, habitat etc. 
Modern dietary and lifestyle have made us prone to diseases.With rapid change in work culture and to acheive the organisational objectives increases susceptibility to diseases. Though our body is resistant to some diseases,emergence of new diseases need to updation and increase of one's own Immunity. 
These are natural ways to enhance immunity

Restricted intake of excessive spicy, salty, canned items, deep frost, preserved, over cooked, fried, junk foods, masala etc can decrease ones own Immunity.
Excessive intake of carbohydrates like pizza, burger etc can shootup sugar levels causing release of stress factors which decrease immunity.
Alcohol consumption can decrease neutrophils, phagocytic reaction and destroy gut bacteria(protective factor).

Professional life with Sedentary life style,lack of proper exercise, worry ,anxiety, Depression, sleep deprivation , Irregular sitting postures for longer duration, frequently travel in improper roads. All these may lead to mental agony and inflammatory reaction in body. Hence causes detrimental to immune system.

Intake of food according to indicidual need (1/3rd of the stomach capacity), plenty of fruits and vegetables with rich nutrition value, regular intake of fermented dairy foods like yoghurt, kefir etc should be regular practice. Foods rich in flavonoids, anti oxidant property,carotenoids and also posses vit C and D is to be taken.
Those contain minerals like zinc ,copper  are useful in immune enhancement.

They include garlic,ginger, turmeric, pumpkin, carrots, green vegetables, gooseberry,l emon, Broccoli, Honey, Oranges, papaya, apple, mango etc.

They help in growth of pro biotic, boosts antibodies, increases potency of natural killer cells.

Regular physical activity like brisk walk, Jogging, exercise can boost up immunity. Every one's capacity of different in exercising. One has to do up to experiencing of sweat on forehead.
Over exertion in exercise should be avoided. If not may increase level of steroid hormone which is immuno suppressive in nature.


One who controls breathing can control mind. Yogic life style and techniques like asana, pranayama (Regular breathing exercises), sat kriya, mudra, relaxation meditation , performing surya namskaras
asanas like padangusta asana, trinkona asana, tadasana, utkatasana, setu bandhasana, Bhujangasana, Sishu asana all these possess anti oxidant property and increases  body stability and reduces inflammatory action in body.
They improves psycho- neuro- immune function.

Hence instead of dumping of medications in case of diseased, focussing on improving resistance to diseases is better idea.
In this covid -19 pandemic disease, India being second most populous but yet developing country. It stands as an example for being in 4th highest recovery rate among world. This making other countries to look in to food and life style practice in our culture.
Hence it is ancient art which is going to  bring revolution. So better to stop inculcating modernized life.


  1. Very useful and informative content

  2. Congratulations dear
    Wish u all the best

  3. It's needed now...thank you for giving us keen perspective of immunity...keep going

  4. Thank you mam, giving information about natural immunity during this covid time.

  5. Thank you mam giving information about natural immunity during this covid time

  6. Congratulations yamini👍, very useful .

  7. Thanks....very useful information

  8. Thank you for putting this up for the good of all...


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